Quick Win

{{ item['fields']['Solution'] }}

{{ item['fields']['Description'] }}

What we did in the Pilot

{{ item['fields']['What we did in the Pilot'] }}

What worked well

{{ item['fields']['What Worked Well'] }}

What didn't work well

{{ item['fields']['Not Worked Well'] }}

What could be better

{{ item['fields']['Would Make it Better'] }}

What we've learnt

{{ item['fields']['What we learnt'] }}

Next steps

{{ item['fields']['Next steps'] }}

Related opportunity

Quick Wins

As part of the Discovery project a number of discrete solutions were identified. Some of these were incorporated into the Alpha projects.

Alongside these, 2 "Quick Win" projects were identified and run as pilots, in order to see if immediate improvements could be made to help the Children's Services team. Details and feedback about these can be viewed below.

To view other ideas for solutions identified during Discovery, please refer to our Airtable Insight Library.