Project Overview

This is the first stage of a wider Children’s Services review - a project which forms part of the corporate ‘Improving how we work’ Programme. The work will complement the Practice Framework development that is already underway within the service.

This initial 8 week Discovery project was focussed primarily on the multiple access points for contact or ‘front door’ services - what is coming in, how it is dealt with.

Discovery aims: To better understand the problems associated with front door processes. To identify opportunities to make improvements based on evidence and data. To begin designing and testing solutions, technology based or otherwise, to take forward into the next stage (Alpha).

Working Agile: An 8 week project broken down into 4 x An 8 week project broken down into 4 x 2 week sprints. At the end of each 2 week sprint an open ‘Show and Tell’ meeting is held - a briefing on the preceding sprint’s activities and outputs and an opportunity for attending stakeholders to ask questions and provide feedback.

Sprint Overview

Show and Tell Slides:

Sprint 1 - Inception
Sprint 2 - Research
Sprint 3 - Research and Analysis
Sprint 4 - Planning and preparing for Alpha

Challenges and Aims

What Success looks like