
{{ item['fields']['Name of Alpha'] }}

{{ item['fields']['Description'] }}

Illustrations (click to open)

Potential Impact

{{ item['fields']['Potential impact'] }}

Potential Measures

  • {{ value['fields']['Research Question'] }}


{{ item['fields']['Assumptions'] }}

Alpha Plan

{{ item['fields']['Alpha Plan'] }}

Tech Assessment

{{ item['fields']['Tech Assessment'] }}

Project team required

{{ item['fields']['Project team required'] }}

Resources needed for Alpha

{{ item['fields']['Resources needed for Alpha'] }}

Opportunities addressed by this Alpha

Estimated timescale

{{ item['fields']['Estimated timescale'] }}

Proposed Alpha Projects

As part of the Discovery project, the team identified and proposed 4 'Alpha' projects to take forward.

These Alphas are designed to allow B&NES to try out different solutions to the problems we learnt about during discovery in a controlled way. To find out more about how the Alpha Phase works, please refer to the service manual.